
2024.3.19掲載(uploaded on Mar. 19, 2024)

2024.1.26掲載(uploaded on Jan. 26, 2024)


You can find the program of presentation and defense of Master's thesis in AY 2023 from the link below.

    公聴会・審査会プログラム Program of presentation and defense of Master's thesis


The detailed information on implementation methods of presentation and defense of Master's Thesis will be announced soon.

2024.1.18掲載(uploaded on Jan. 18, 2024)

2023.11.27掲載(uploaded on Nov. 27, 2023)

2023.9.26掲載(uploaded on Sep. 26, 2023)

2023.9.25掲載(uploaded on Sep. 25, 2023)

2023.9.21掲載(uploaded on Sep. 21, 2023)

  • 令和5年博士後期課程(高度工学コース)10月入学生ガイダンスの案内
    Guidance for newly enrolled students in October 2023 (Advanced Engineering Course Program) 
  1. ガイダンスはC1-191室で開催します。
    The guidance for new students will be held at room.C1-191.
  2. ガイダンスの時間は以下の通りです。The date and time are as follows.
    博士後期課程 Doctoral program: September 29, 15:00 - 16:00
  3. HSEプログラムの学生は本ガイダンスの対象ではありません。
    The students of the HSE (Human Security Engineering) program do not have to attend this guidance.

2023.06.21掲載 (uploaded on Jun. 21, 2023)

2023.04.04掲載 (uploaded on Apr. 4, 2023)

2023.04.01掲載 (uploaded on Apr. 1, 2023)

  • 新入生ガイダンスはC1-191にて開催します.The guidance for new students is held in C1-191.
  • ガイダンス資料へのアクセス方法はメールで連絡します.The URL for accessing the guidance materials will be sent by e-mail.
  • 安全教育講習会はZoomによるオンラインで開催します.The seminar on safety education is held online using zoom.
  • 出席確認のため,Zoomで氏名が表示されるように設定して下さい.To confirm your attendance, set Zoom as your full name is displayed.
  • 安全教育講習会のZoom情報,資料へのアクセス方法はガイダンス資料に記載されています.The URL for accessing the materials and Zoom information of the seminar is provided in the guidance materials.

安全教育講習会 (Seminar on safety education)

すべての学生は安全教育講習会に参加して下さい.This seminar is mandatory for all students. 

開催日時 Date and times
令和5年4月5日 (Apr. 5, 2023)
15:30 - 16:15 日本語での講習 (Lecture in Japanese)
16:15 - 17:00 英語での講習 (Lecture in English)

Contents are the same between the lectures. Please attend one (the lecture in Japanese or English).

The lecture is given by Zoom (online). The details of Zoom and materials can be found in the handout of guidance.

令和5年度新入生ガイダンス (AY2023 guidance for new students)

開催日時 Date and times
令和5年4月4日 (Apr. 4, 2023)
修士課程(留学生)Master's program (International students):13:30 - 14:10
修士課程(留学生以外)Master's program (Japanese students):14:15 - 15:00
博士後期課程 Doctoral program:15:30 - 16:15

開催場所 Place
C1-191講義室 C1-191 seminar room