Laboratories and Academic Staff


Chair/Laboratory Academic Staff

Structures Management Engineering

Kunitomo SUGIURA [Professor]

Lin AN [Associate Professor]

Earthquake and Lifeline Engineering

Aiko FURUKAWA [Professor]

River System Engineering and Management

Yutaka ICHIKAWA [Professor]



Construction Engineering and Management

Kiyoshi KISHIDA [Professor]

Takako MIYOSHI [Assistant Professor]

Geofront System Engineering

Hideaki YASUHARA [Professor]

Hiromasa IWAI [Associate Professor]

International Urban Development

Ali Gul QURESHI [Associate Professor]

Fan ZHU [Associate Professor]

Urban Systems Planning


Planning and Management Systems

Masamitsu ONISHI [Professor]

Urban and Regional Planning

Nobuhiro UNO [Professor]

Ryoji MATSUNAKA [Associate Professor]

Tomoki NISHIGAKI [Assistant Professor]

      Urban Management Systems

Tetsuharu OBA [Professor]

Yasuo SAWAMURA [Associate Professor]

Transportation Engineering and Management


Intelligent Transport Systems

Tadashi YAMADA [Professor]

Jan Dirk SCHMOECKER [Associate Professor]

Satoshi NAKAO [Assistant Professor]

Travel Behavior Analysis

Satoshi FUJII [Professor]

Yuichiro KAWABATA [Associate Professor]

Kosuke TANAKA [Assistant Professor]

Chair of Earth Resource Sciences

Enviromental Geosphere Engineering

Katsuaki KOIKE [Professor]

Koki KASHIWAYA [Associate Professor]

Taiki KUBO [Assistant Professor]

Earth and Resource System

Weiren LIN [Professor]

Kazuya ISHITSUKA [Lecturer]

Nana KAMIYA [Assistant Professor]

Cooperating Chair

Chair/Laboratory Academic Staff

Urban Regional Disaster Control (Disaster Prevention Research Institute)


Dynamics of Foundation Structures

Hiroyuki GOTO [Professor]

Reginal Water Environment Systems

Kneji TANAKA [Professor]

Kazuaki YOROZU [Associate Professor]

Yoshiya TOUGE [Associate Professor]

Water Resources Engineering

Tomoharu HORI [Professor]

Masahumi YAMADA [Assistant Professor]

Disaster Risk Management

Ana Maria CRUZ [Professor]
Yoko MATSUDA [Associate Professor]

Socio and Eco Environment Risk Management

Sameh Ahmed KANTOUSH [Professor]

Mohamed Saber Mohamed Sayed AHMED [Associate Professor]

Sohei Kobayashi [Associate Professor]

Urban Flood Control

Akira IGARASHI [Professor]
Nozomu YONEYAMA [Associate Professor]

Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies

Laboratory Academic Staff

Environmental Infrastructure Engineering

Takeshi KATSUMI [Professor]
Atsushi TAKAI [Associate Professor]

Tomohiro KATO [Assistant Professor]